Alex Walker
Salt Lake City, UT
Hydrology • Geomorphology • GIS Analysis • Water Policy • Technical Writing • Field Work
I am a spatial analyst and fluvial geomorphologist whose research looks at the interaction between humans and river systems on decadal to century time scales. My skills include hydrology, fluvial geomorphology, GIS analysis, surveying, sedimentology and riparian ecology. Questions in water resources are often interdisciplinary, and I use my knowledge from multiple disciplines to produce the most effective solution for your questions. My spatial analysis experience provides strong context to field work and data collection efforts.
I currently work as a GIS Specialist for Salt Lake City Engineering dealing with roadway infrastructure data. In prior positions, I have worked as a consultant providing technical writing, spatial analysis and hydrologic modeling, and s part of a team researching wetland restoration in the National Research Program at the US Geological Survey in Reston, VA. I completed an M.S. in Watershed Sciences at Utah State University and a B.A. in Geology from Carleton College.
Contact: walker.alex.e at